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  1. chocolate_muttons says

    "TQM tries to improve quality by ensuring conformance to internal requirements, while Six Sigma focuses on improving quality by reducing the number of defects and impurities."

    There is a positive relation between TQM and GW. If corporations work to improve the quality of their products than there would be less damage to the environment. This is because an efficient process produces less waste and uses resources more effectively. Therefore, it would take less raw materials to produce one unit when applying TQM.

    Currently the system works under a "cyclical consumption" model that rewards products that break easily. This way the firm can sell more of the same type of product to the same consumer to receive a profit. Whereas TQM is a way to build products that are meant to last longer and therefore need to be replaced less.

    (An interesting side note is that the warranty that is offered with most products is designed to run out just before the product is expected to break. Accountants and Management purposely arrange this in order to create confidence in their product while still receiving profit.)

  2. DAVID says

    Absolutely and irrefutably none, end of.

  3. sweet smile says

    One way the concept of quality management only is responsible for global warming.As man is trying to improve quality of products he is using lot of power and to get that mush power he is using lot of fuels.

  4. George Orwell says

    If you gullible enough to believe in global warming then you won’t make good quality management.

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