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Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management

Working on Quality Using Six Sigma Professional Methods

Quality is extremely important to all businesses. When a company has poor quality output in their products and services, their customers do not come back.Businesses rely on repeat customers and word-of-mouth to get their products and…

An Overview of Six Sigma for Any Businessperson

One of the most important aspects of any company is its quality. Quality is so important that if it is poor a company will likely fail.In order to bring as much success as possible to their company, business executives must concentrate on…

How to Utilize Technology, Teamwork and Six Sigma Methods

Teamwork is very important in today's business world. It is especially important when there are several departments that need to communicate to keep the business going.Sometimes business teams consist of people who are spread all over the…

The Colors of Six Sigma: The Black Belt

Six Sigma uses a Belt tier system that helps organize the trained and certified professionals that work within their methods. The three levels of this tier system are Black, Green, Yellow, and white.At the bottom level, businesspeople are…

Understanding Six Sigma Training in Business

Even when you are knowledgeable about a job and how to perform it, it is always helpful to get some extra training.  Some employers would rather have employees that have already been trained in a process, rather than having to train them.…

Learning Leadership Skills with Six Sigma

Six Sigma professionals always work in teams. These teams are led by Black Belts, who are assisted by the Green Belts, while the Yellow Belts round out the group by acting as support staff for their more highly-skilled counterparts.The…

Six Sigma Information for Anyone

All business people strive to create the best products and services they can.  When quality is lacking in their company and processes must be changed in order to continue, they will often call in a Six Sigma Professional to help.  Six…

Using Six Sigma Methods to Enhance Project Management

One of the most important assets in the business world is having the ability to design, implement and monitor a project from the beginning to end with efficiency.  It is the only way to expand or improve current business methods and…

Clarification Of Six Sigma Terms; DMAIC vs. DFSS and DMADV

Businesses of all types are using the Six Sigma Methodology as their basic on-going improvement methodology. Developed by Motorola, who still own the trademark, Six Sigma aims to increase and maximize customer satisfaction by reducing…

Information Regarding The Six Sigma Cycle Time

Six Sigma is the name of a popular business management strategy. It was initially developed by the Motorola Company in the 1980s as a way to train and prepare members of their upper management. Today, the method is used by hundreds of…

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