Lean Six Sigma for the Medical Practice
Boost profitability without cutting costs or increasing revenues Medical practices face serious financial challenges. >Staff and costs are already cut to the bone. Payers fight physicians for every penny of reimbursement. Revenues aren t likely to soar anytime soon.
So what can be done to increase profitability? This perfectly-timed book provides good answers and ready-to-use tools by Six Sigma Black Belt Frank Cohen and Practice Management expert Owen Dahl in Mastering Lean Six Sigma for the Medical Practice: Improving Profitability by Improving Processes. Step by step, this book explains how to use Lean Six Sigma decision-making processes, team-building principles and efficiency-boosting tools to do more without increasing costs. That means more of the revenue that comes in goes right to the bottom line. Plus, you ll learn the secrets of using data analysis to hold payers feet to the fire to optimize revenue. Six Sigma practices have revolutionized other businesses. Now, by being
List Price: $ 89.00
Price: $ 75.65
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