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Can anyone help my teacher?

I am looking for a TQM computer training program for the PDCA and Toyota Production System. I an a student at Valdosta State University in Georgia.. I am taking a class called Total Quality Management. This is the hardest class I have ever taken in my life. But he had a request and for some reason we (students) feel like we have to help. I am looking for a training program for the computer. This program would be a TPS simulation, basically walking thru plant simulation problems and using the TPS method solving them The program would allow students to further their understanding and their future careers overall. Does anyone know of such a program that can be obtainer for free, or donated for the teachers use. (The semester is over and our grades have nothing to do with this) I can just say he is one of those teachers that really believe in what he is teaching…..Any help or useful information would be great. I
Tps is a lean manufacturing system

1 Comment
  1. Snow Globe says

    I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, but I heartily applaud the spirit you and your classmates have about your teacher and your school! Bless you all, and your fine teacher!

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