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The Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology

Six Sigma DMAIC procedure is considered to bring very important and measurable improvements to the current processes that are below expectations in a business. This methodology is mostly used in processes or products in a firm that do not meet the customer expectations or even products that currently have defects.

The Six Sigma DMAIC Process is an acronym that stands for several phrases which are as follows; Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.

The first phrase is define in which the Six Sigma Team comes up with a certain project to improve on the business goals and also improve on the requirements and needs of clients. The main objective of Six Sigma is coming up with an unknown solution in order to solve an existing problem. Defining the problem is the first important measure in resolving an existing problem.

The team of highly qualified and experienced staff in the company works hand in hand in defining the problems that exist in measurable terms. Identifying characteristics that are critical to quality helps in identifying factors that have impact on the quality. This makes it possible for the team to come up with a map process which is to be improved measurable, defined and deliver goals.

The Measure phrase involves defining metrics and carrying out the lengthy process of statistical data collection. This includes identifying and determining important and necessary measures needed in the evaluation of the success of the project. A measurable baseline is established by determining the initial stability and capability of the project. Other measures established include valid metrics and clear measurable indicators such process, input, and output. This is followed by analysis to come up with a series of process steps and also defining the operational plan in order to measure the available indicators.

The analysis phase is when the Six Sigma Team discovers what might be causing the problem and how it might be corrected. This involves researching on the reasons for defects by coming up a variation process enhanced by set of variables (all based and deeply rooted in statistical theory). During the process, the highly qualified and experienced Six Sigma team comes up with ways of upgrading the project and determining processes that will have beneficial results to the firm in the long term.

Optimization and verification of important inputs is done in order to eradicate the problem. Causes of the problem are determined. This is done through test evaluation and then creating improvements. In case the required improvements are not done, the staff uses a Six Sigma Tool known as the cost/benefit Analysis. An implementation plan is developed and a new management approach is taken in order to adapt and implement the solution.

The next phase is the control phase which mainly depends on previous steps. This includes the appropriate management methods and main monitoring plan that reveals important steps the shareholders will have to continue to follow. The fore mentioned plan is exercised and this is done to make sure that the main variables remain in the acceptable range. The highly qualified Six Sigma team develops reaction plans, a hands-off process, and training. This is to ensure that the project has a long term positive effect on the company. It is also important to document the project, and the solution that was discovered.

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