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Finance for Engineers: Evaluation and Funding of Capital Projects

With flair and an originality of approach, Crundwell brings his considerable experience to bear on this crucial topic. Uniquely, this book discusses the technical and financial aspects of decision-making in engineering and demonstrates these through case studies. It’s a hugely important matter as, of course, engineering solutions and financial decisions are intimately tied together. The best engineers combine the technical and financial cases in determining new solutions to opportunities, challenges and problems. To get your project approved, no matter the size of it, the financial case must be clear and compelling. This book provides a framework for engineers and scientists to undertake financial evaluations and assessments of engineering or production projects.


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  1. Anonymous says
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Very knowledgable book!, November 9, 2011
    Fatema Eshaq (SAN DIEGO, CA, US) –

    Bought this a year ago. A great book. It’s definitely worth the price if this is your career or if you are thinking about heading this direction. Learning a lot from it.
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  2. Anonymous says
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    An extraordinary achievement – finally “Finance for engineers”, May 21, 2014

    Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    Frank has managed something extraordinary in writing this book, he has taken the inner workings of a critical industry and made them easily understandable to Engineers. The clarity gained from reading and referring to this book has ensured the work I do as an engineer is more relevant, effective and fulfilling!
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  3. Amazon Customer says
    18 of 18 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Superb textbook and reference guide for project finance professionals, May 19, 2008
    Amazon Customer (New York, NY) –

    Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Finance for Engineers: Evaluation and Funding of Capital Projects (Hardcover)
    This textbook and reference guide is by far the best textbook/reference guide I ever saw on capital projects (i.e. project finance, infrastructure finance, etc.) evaluation and risk/return decision-making analysis. The book is broken out into four major parts:

    1. Foundations (accounting principles, financial statements, proposals for capital projects, project cash flows, estimation of capital expenditure, etc.)
    2. Evaluation (TVM, Discounted CF techniques, inflation, taxation, discount rate, decision analysis, sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, etc.)
    3. Risk Assessment (risk and return, CAPM, CoD, CoE, WACC, Monte-Carlo simulation, real options analysis, etc.)
    4. Financing (financial markets, types of loans, project finance, public-private partnerships, etc.)

    The best thing about this book is not only the book is extremely well-designed and well-written, not only it is comprehensive and filled with truly useful information but also it contains numerous case studies WITH SOLUTIONS; furthermore, each chapter has multiple review questions / problems WITH SOLUTIONS.

    In other words, this superb all-encompassing book is perfect for self-study.

    I am not sure why the author thought this book’s target audience is engineers – I believe every type of professionals working on capital projects, including financial professionals, engineers, lawyers and government officials would greatly benefit from this book.

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