The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs
This comprehensive resource highlights the most recent practices and trends in blended learning from a global perspective and provides targeted information for specific blended learning situations. You’ll find examples of learning options that combine face-to-face instruction with online learning in the workplace, more formal academic settings, and the military. Across these environments, the book focuses on real-world practices and includes contributors from a broad range of fields including trainers, consultants, professors, university presidents, distance-learning center directors, learning strategists and evangelists, general managers of learning, CEOs, chancellors, deans, and directors of global talent and organizational development. This diversity and breadth will help you understand the wide range of possibilities available when designing blended learning environments. ?Order your copy today!
List Price: $ 85.00
Price: $ 58.20
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Why not blend?,
In this book, is “blended” creative and critically the depth of the academic reasoning with the corporative perspective oriented to the organizational performance, that is to say, it takes the advantages from the formal learning of the school with the advantages from the informal learning of the daily experiencie mixing the technologies of distance education with classroom. It makes emphasis not only in the quality of the ingredients that are blended but in the “glue” that holds all those pieces together: the interaction. Interaction’s quality instructor-learner, learner-content and specially to learner-learner from collaborative learning’s perspective allow building effective virtual communities of learning. It is not a recipe for a single dish, because each dish requires its own recipe. This book is oriented towards an approach blend of blends of many dimensions, more appropriate to actual requirements technological and cognitive. The Jay Crooss’s question is really appropriate today: “Why not blend?”
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The Most Important Educational Trend in Years,
‘Blended Learning,’ buzzword for training that mixes formal face-to-face instruction with computer aided instruction was said by the American Society for Training and Development as one of the top ten trends to emerge in the knowledge delivery industry in 2003. I think that’s understating what’s going on.
For the first time, the educational system has a way to provide the individual student with instruction that can be exactly tailored to his ability, level, interest and so on. The gifted can go far beyond the standard textbook using the web as an infinite resource. The slower can get additional instruction in areas where he is having a hard time. At the same time, all students are being trained in the use of computers, a skill in its own right that is all but mandatory for the future in any job.
This book summarizes the state of the art as it exists today using institutional models from both industry and educational institutions, ‘case studies’ from around the world to illustrate in a practical matter what is being done, and some chapters that provide the authors thinking about where blended learning is going.
Anyone working in a teach the teachers environment needs to be aware of these developments which are rapidly growing in importance.
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a useful book,
Recently my company was considering moving from offering total eLearning to blended learning solutions. I am glad to find this book because it offers both theoretical analyses and success stories from the real world, both of which are needed to convince both internal and external customers why blended solutions can work more effectively.
What amazes me is that after thinking, reading and talking about blended learning for some time, I have come to accept blended learning as common sense because when well designed, it combines the best of online and FTF learning. But I guess many people won’t agree, esp. if they haven’t read this book yet. Still, I predict blended learning will become more popular in the coming years, and this book will be among the classics for educators and trainers alike.
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