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Explaining Six Sigma Statistics and Methodologies

Six Sigma statistics are related to the methodology of this quality management method that always tries to eliminate defects and strive for perfection among products and services sold to customers. The methodology has deep roots in statistics and mathematics. The implication of mathematics is meant to do more than eradicate imperfection. The improvement can apply to all sectors of business, from manufacturing to services, products and transactions.

The statistical approach of Six Sigma shows how a process happens in data. In order to achieve the Six Sigma state, the defects cannot be more than 3.4 DMPO (defects per million opportunities). A defect can represent anything that is not corresponding to the specifications of a client.

Six Sigma is a strategy of business management that has become widely used since its discovery in the mid-1980s, in multiple industry areas. The main purpose is to find and remove any type of cause for the defects in a process, in order to improve the quality of the operation. The strategy uses a set of methods that are good for management and which also include statistics.

The term itself means something specific, as it comes from the idea that there must be as few deviations from the process mean to the nearest limit. If the deviation level rises, the process goes away from the center of tolerance, lowering the sigma value and increasing the number of items that will not be made according to specifications.

In order to explain these things better and in a more simplistic way, a company that has better processes makes more money. For example, a worker goes every day to a company and tries to get the work done in the best way possible. Each day that passes can be an opportunity to make things even better than on the previous day.

If a product is made more rapidly and in a more efficient way, the product will be surely improved, the customers will be happy with their purchase and the company can make more money. The concept sounds well in theory, but in practice there are more factors to consider. For example, in a big company, from the starting point to the end point where the product is finished could include many steps and each one can be enhanced. The Six Sigma methodology states that only the projects with the most potential for success should be chosen to implement, and to focus on those.

Concentrating all the efforts on the best project can help the company achieve the desired goals. The project will be put through a DMAIC process, which means Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. The operation may be worthy, if there is a lot of dedication involved. The workers are focusing on the problem until is destroyed then the data is measured and reorganized in the best way possible.

Six Sigma statistics are used to show the data in various charts, numbers or graphs. The data is summarized using terms like variance, standard deviation, etc. For implementing the methodology, statistics and mathematics can be very important. In any type of process, defects can be reduced and quality can be improved, if certain efforts are made.

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