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Discussing The Six Sigma Skills

Six Sigma is basically a set of rules designed to improve the quality of a business’s operations or manufacturing processes. It was initially designed for an industrial process, but today it has been extended to any other type of business, and is in fact, being applied by many managers regardless of industry or location. Here we shall be discussing how the Six Sigma skills can prove to be beneficial.

The Six Sigma technique focuses on eliminating defects. It also aims toward cost reduction, reducing cycle times and inventory levels, increasing profit margins, and improving customer satisfaction. The Six Sigma model uses specially designated experts known “Black Belts” or “Green Belts”, whose function is to constantly monitor the process, detect defects and remove them as soon as possible.  They do this through the use of methods and tools learned through their own Six Sigma Training Course and subsequent certification.

One of the most important skills is to be well versed in data collection, analysis, and implementation of error correction procedures. As such, one needs to know where to collect the data, what type of data is needed and what this means for the quality of the output.  This mostly boils down to statistical skills.  Although a strong background in statistics in not required for Six Sigma Certification, one is strongly recommended.

Good negotiating skills are also necessary. When people work as a team, they are bound to have problems occasionally because of opposing opinions among team members. The Six Sigma expert will need to be the cohesive thread that will keep the team together and motivate them to achieve the designated goals.

A good Six Sigma Team will have a good mix of personality attributes so that the team as a whole is successful. One such valuable attribute is that of public speaking. This skill will be useful when trying to motivate team members to give their maximum input to the process.  Communication is a key element in any team. If one particular member needs to motivate the team to work with a Six Sigma strategy, one should have good organizational skills. Consequently, frequent meetings will be scheduled in which the direction of the team will be discussed. This should be done in an open environment, where each member feels free to voice his or her ideas.

Managers who utilize these techniques should provide a bridge between team members and the management team, and not feel superior. This will be pivotal in ensuring that no group feels alienated and that workflow is improved. Once again, the feeling of belonging will result in all workers being receptive to changes that may be deemed fit by virtue of the ongoing analysis.

A strategist will be able to help the team properly utilize the Six Sigma techniques. This means that s/he should be able to determine when, how and where to implement the correct six sigma tools or methods for the organization. One may have a good system, but the timing for implementation of that system may be wrong. It is therefore critical to be able to formulate the implementation so that the transition is smooth and effective.  This skill is gained through a thorough knowledge of the Six Sigma Application in addition to on the job experience!

One may have to realize that he or she is the voice of the customer in this organizational setup. This means that a Six Sigma Professional or team leader should always seek to get customer input translated into the team’s operational plan.  Six Sigma skills are very versatile and effective if they are learned properly. Once these methodologies are followed, benefits will be seen in a more streamlined, error free process and consequently higher quality products. This, in turn, will create an atmosphere where all of the stakeholders; the team, management and customers alike will benefit.

Six Sigma

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