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An Overview of the Six Sigma Defect Methodology

Six Sigma plays the role of making sure there is a general quality enhancement of various production aspects involved with a diverse range of business procedures. It attains this goal by first locating particular defects or errors and then seeks the means of eradicating these errors. By so doing, this entire process will hopefully reduce variability, and improve the quality and value of a company’s products or services.

Experts who are highly trained and certified in the Six Sigma Methodology who assume the responsibility of running and overseeing this entire strategy. Depending on an individual’s level of knowledge, this infrastructure will specifically divide these experts into their respective teams, which are normally referred to as ‘belts’; yellow, black, green and master black.

The hierarchy of highly qualified Six Sigma professionals includes individuals who are entrusted with improving development processes and they also possess specific training in particular statistical methods and quality management. This makes them able to both detect errors and rectify them using various tools and methods learned throughout their Six Sigma Training.  This is done through the use of systematic processes referred to as projects.

Basically, you will find that these methods have an ultimate aim of meeting particular set goals with respect to financial matters, which could be attaining a reduction of expenditure or to obtain an elevation in profits gained. This will therefore mean that every company will have its independent strategy with a set of these steps that are developed to meet that specific company’s financial objectives.  The other added benefits of this programs include decreased waste and increased customer satisfaction due to the defective free and high quality products and services that result.

In order to have an effectual definition of a specific business establishment’s process of manufacturing, this process uses statistical models that are suitable to particular firms. Essentially, this will have the implication of ensuring each business organization has its own ‘sigma rating’, that will expose the operation levels which its particular process of manufacturing should have. These ratings will reveal the percentage of flaws or the amount of error-free products that a production process will have.  As evidenced by the name of the methodology, the goal is ‘6’ sigma or less than 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

A process of this sigma rating will be producing products that 99.96% of the time are able to be defect-free. This model goal in the manufacturing arena came as a result of the business pioneers who firse developed, cultivated, and embraced the strategy.

The interesting thing in this whole system is the fact that the real definition of ‘fault’ or ‘defect’ is relatively loose and can vary depending on the type of business one is involved in. This has led to many suggestions that you can easily tailor the definition of error in this system almost infinitely, to suit different kinds of companies or organizations. This has led to its popularity by many people, as they see it as an aspect that can effectively work in favor on their entire strategy.  Distinctively, the flexibility provided by Six Sigma defect methodology is highly regarded in the business and manufacturing industries.

Six Sigma

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