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An Overview of Six Sigma for Any Businessperson

One of the most important aspects of any company is its quality. Quality is so important that if it is poor a company will likely fail.

In order to bring as much success as possible to their company, business executives must concentrate on having the best quality products and services possible for their industry. There are several different ways to do this. One common way is to call in Six Sigma professionals to analyze company processes for flaws.

Six Sigma professionals are experts at collecting data and analyzing it in order to see what can be done that will act as a quality improvement resolution. The top level professional, the Black Belt, will lead a team of people, using a specific Six Sigma tool or method in order to go in-depth into company procedures.

This individual will choose that team of Green and Yellow Belt professionals based upon their various skill sets and specialties. He or she will choose this team based on each individual’s education and experience in the areas needed. This team leader will discuss the issues with the company executives and with the team members in order to make sure everyone is on the same page. He or she will let all team members know what their job is, what role they play, and when their deadline is. It is important that no one on the team feel confused because this can lead to a failed project.

The second in line on a Six Sigma team is the Green Belt professional. This person will act as an assistant to the Black Belt professional, taking care of any issues the Black Belt does not have time to get to. They will also work with the Yellow Belt professionals throughout the project, to make sure everything is running smoothly. At times, they will be asked to run a project if they have enough experience with 6 Sigma and the industry of the company requiring their assistance. The Yellow Belt professionals, at the bottom of the tier system, will collect and analyze the data within the company processes, review the results, and suggest solutions.

Sometimes, a Master Black Belt professional will act as a consultant, especially if the Black Belt leader of the project is rather new to the job. They are always available to answer questions and to help guide the project in the right direction. There is also a representative of the team called the Champion who will bring the goals and assignments to the 6 Sigma team. This is the person who will make initial contact with the company executives and find out exactly what they need from their team of Six Sigma professionals.

Six Sigma

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