A Comprehensive Guide to Project Management Schedule and Cost Control: Methods and Models for Managing the Project Lifecycle (FT Press Project Management)
Master all the modern project scheduling and cost control techniques you need, in one focused tutorial! Randal Wilson’s Project Schedule & Cost Control isn’t your typical project management guide: it’s 100% focused on the specific principles, techniques, and best-practice methodologies of scheduling and cost control. Wilson illuminates key issues through the extensive use of graphs, charts, case studies, and worked examples; and calls your attention to crucial issues that “generic” PM books ignore. Coverage includes: Project structures, including differences between projects and programs, and how those differences affect costing and scheduling Initiation: how projects start, how to develop project charters and stakeholder registers, and how to manage stakeholders Planning, in depth: what costs must be addressed, and what schedule constraints must be considered Project schedule analysis: activity definition, WBS, and work packages; activity sequencing and diagramming; p
Ken Rose offers project managers a succinct, step-by-step project management process, along with a coherent set of quality tools o…
No project management training? No problem!In today’s workplace, employees are routinely expected to coordinate and manage proje…