Life’s 2 Percent Solution: Simple Steps to Achieve Happiness and Balance
The secret to a more fulfilling life comes down to only thirty minutes a day! Building on the work of eminent thinkers and scholars in the areas of emotional intelligence and whole-mind thinking, Marcia Hughes has successfully introduced a new way to connect with your core strengths and values, balance productivity and reflection and fully integrate passion with action. Life’s 2% Solution: Simple Steps to Achieve Happiness and Balance presents a field-tested process and proven techniques for fully integrating your professional and spiritual selves. Filled with first-hand experiences of people whose lives have been turned around by the 2% Solution, this book shows you how to personalize an action plan based on your individual needs, use your strengths to guide you, cope with changes, apply your plan in the workplace and work toward the final goal of self-actualization.
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Price: $ 4.89
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Playing Hookey,
It was very exciting to me to realize that I could spend 2% of my time every day on something that is precious to me and not just feel thrilled myself, but be a better mom and more effective at work. Half an hour a day is just the right amount–long enough to get focused and make a little progress, but not so long that I feel guilty. Somehow it feels like playing hookey and I love it!! I’m getting up half an hour early and writing down the amazing stories my grandfather used to tell about growing up in rural Ireland. After that I can face the day more relaxed with a sort of smug feeing inside knowing I’ve already accomplished something that really matters.
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A Real Breath of Hope,
Not only one of the most intelligent and insightful personal improvement books available, Life’s 2% Solution masterfully tackles real life problem areas which other books of this ilk self-righteously avoid. While many self-help books leave one feeling briefly inspired only to hopelessy return to the duldrum of daily life and the ever present feeling that change would be nice but ultimately requires more effort than one is able or willing to give, Marcia Hughes makes no pretense about the possibilities of change.
Her solutions are simple enough for a child to grasp yet valid enough for an expert. The reader can leave this book feeling a new kind of inspiration about life change – not a pipe dream but a real plan that will work as it does not require the reader to completely change everything in their life “cold turkey.” The reader is given litte things they can do each day whose benefit is so obvious they could not be ignored.
While many books appear to be a publisher’s quick answer to a certain niche, Hughes’ book is an act of compassion that was obviously a lifetime in the making. One of the few books available to solve the problem of how to actualize oneself in a world of rigid compliance.
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